
At Shadeland Baptist Church, we believe that God blesses those who give to and support the missionaries all over the world who are doing the will of God for their lives. Missionaries go through many hard times and their needs need to be met just like anyone else. As Christians we are all missionaries, but some of us have been chosen to travel the globe and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ in some rather rough environments.

Young at Heart

"We're thankful for our Young at Heart Group and how the Lord has blessed our fellowship together, and for the love that we have in our hearts for one another. We've been able to take several trips together and do other activities. Each one has been a blessing to us."

"Ada and I count it a real blessing to work with the Young at Heart Group. We want to be a blessing and a help."


Sunday School, Junior Church, Nursery

Like many churches, Shadeland offers a fun, education-filled Sunday morning that provides an exciting learning environment for children. Our teachers are highly dedicated, with years of service behind them.

We also have a nursery program that allows for younger children to play and be monitored, while their parents can enjoy God’s Word.

After the Sunday School hour, the children are released for Junior Church, where our teachers provide a message more on their level of understanding, and again, with the fun and enjoyment that captures their attention telling them of the Savior’s love.


The bus ministry is not only an integral part of our church, but is necessary to continue Shadeland’s outreach. The majority of the children in our programs are brought to us via our buses, and Shadeland believes wholeheartedly that God commands us to bring our children up in knowledge and servitude of Him. As the verse below shows, we should try to do what we can in order to bring children closer to Him.

Our bus ministry provides us a way to bring in children that normally would not be able to make it to services. We are thankful and blessed to have our vehicles, drivers, and monitors willing to serve the Lord in this much needed area of any church for it’s growth. For questions or to schedule for pick up contact us at: 317-545-4509

“...suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.” -Mark 10:14